Fishing Lure In The Form Of Powerbait
One of most leading fishing lure article is Powerbait!Fishing With Powerbait. What's the most effective way to fish with Powerbait? As everyone should, but may not realize is that Powerbait floats.
This is a wonderful thing, because it allows the angler to present their bait while it floats above any underwater debris.
There are some ways of presenting a fishing lure called Powerbait that are more effective than others, and I'm going to explain one of the most effective. Before I explain the technique, let me make sure we're on the same page. Ads everyone knows, Powerbait comes in little jars, and is either pre-shaped into "nuggets" or is simply like play dough. If it's shaped into nuggets, you simply hook a nugget or two onto your hook and if it's the "original" play dough version, you simply grab some, form a ball around your hook, and your good to go.
Powerbait comes in many different colors, and which is best is up to personal preference. The most popular form of lure, is the variety used for trout. When fishing for trout, it's important to remember that the lighter the line you use, the better. I never use fishing line heavier than 4 pound test, and I would never suggest that anyone use fishing lines
heavier than 6 pound test for trout fishing. If you use line that's too heavy while trout fishing, it will cost you bites, it's as simple as that. So a big thing to keep in mind is that you need to be using light line when trout fishing.
One of the most effective ways that I've seen to use Powerbait is as follows (This is for fishing in still water situations, such as a lake): Begin by taking the end of your line and slipping an egg sinker onto your line. The size will vary with wind conditions, but 3/8 oz. is a good general size. You want as little weight as you can get away with in most situation.
Once the egg sinker is "threaded" onto your line, tie on a small barrel swivel (size 10 or 12). This barrel swivel should act as a "stopper" for your egg sinker. Now tie a pre tied set of gang hooks onto the other end of the barrel swivel. A set of gang hooks are simply two small hooks tied in tandem, thus enabling you to present twice as much bait! This is your basic still fishing lure.At this point, add Powerbait to each hook.
Enough to make sure each hook is covered completely. Make sure you have added enough Powerbait by setting your rig in the water right next to shore. As long as the weight sinks and the Powerbait floats, you're good to go.
Now you want to gently cast your offering out and allow it to sink. Once it has sunken to the bottom, gently reel in any slack line. Now set your rod
on something stable (many people choose to have a forked stick already stuck in the ground). Your line needs to be completely taught, with no slack. At this point you wait. When the trout bite, your rod tip will start bouncing. The hooking and reeling in are up to you, but this technique will lead to a lot of bites.
Trout, especially stocked trout, love power bait
. And employing a gang hook rig is a great way to fish with Power bait. I usually wait 30 to 45 minutes, and if I haven't received a bite, I'll reel in, check my bait, maybe change colors, and re-cast.
Amazingly enough, I've had trout only bite a particular color of fishing lure on a particular day? It sounds crazy, but it's true. Give this fishing lure a try, and you'll never again fish with Powerbait without the help of a set of gang hooks.
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